British Animation Personnel of the 20th Century |
A |
- Aragon, Ray
- (1926–2009) Layout Artist, Designer
- Armstrong, Charles
- (18??-19??) Silhouette Filmmaker
- Arthy, Pete
- (1926-2002) Animator, Layout Artist, Director
- Attew, Kevin
- (19??-) Animator
- Audus, Hilary
- (19??-) Animator
- Austin, Phil
- (1914–1979) Animator, Director
- Ayres, Ralph
- (1914–1979) Animator
B |
- Ball, Alan
- (19??-) Animator, Director
- Balser, Robert
- (1927-2016) US Animator, Director
- Banks, E
- (1914–91) Assistant Animator, Head of Inbetweening
- Barker, David
- (1887-1946) Producer, Director, Animator
- Batchelor, Joy
- (1914–91) Designer, Animator, Director, Producer
- Bateman, Henry Mayo
- (1887-1970) Cartoonist
- Booth, Walter R
- (1869-1938) Animation and Trick Filmmaker
- Borthwick, Brian
- (1930?-) Animator
- Borthwick, Dave
- (1947-2012) Stop-motion Director
- Branch, Sue
- (1946-1998) Background Artist
- Brisbane, Jenny
- (19??-) Trace & Paint Supervisor
- Brockett, Anna
- (19??-) Animator, Director, Producer
- Brown, Sue
- (19??-) Trace & Paint Supervisor
- Bubb, Malcolm
- (19??-) Rostrum Camera, Optical FX
- Butten, Arthur
- (19??-) Background Artist, Animator
- Buxton, Dudley
- (c.1884-1951) Animator, Director
C |
- Canning, Kate
- (1946-) Designer, Director
- Carder, Harry
- (19??-) Animator
- Carey, Bernard
- (19??-??) Background Artist
- Castell, E G
- (1900-77) Animation
- Cattaneo, Tony
- (1946-53) Designer, Animator, Director
- Caunter, Chris
- (19??-??) Animator, Layout Artist
- Challis, John
- (19??-) Animator, Layout Artist, Designer, Director
- Coates, John
- (1927–2012) Production Supervisor, Producer
- Cobb, Norman
- (1946-) Director, Animator
- Coblentz, Hester
- (1921-96) Trace & Paint, Animator, Production Manager, Producer
- Coles, Alma
- (1935-) Tracer
- Collins, Geoff
- (19??–) Animator, Director, Producer
- Connelly, Dennis
- (1891?-19??) Cartoonist/Illustrator, Animator, Director, Producer
- Cooper, Arthur Melbourne
- (1874–1961) Stop-frame Filmmaker
- Cowan, Ian
- (19??-) Clean-up, Animator, Layouts, Backgrounds
- Cox, Rich
- (19??-??) Animator
- Cox, S
- (19??-????) Animator
- Cramer, Jon
- (19??-??) Animator, Designer, Layout, Background Artist
- Crick, Allan
- (????-????) Writer, Director, Producer
- Croke, Leo T
- (1888-1964) Composer, Arranger, Conductor
- Crook, Rosalie "Wally"
- (19??-??) Animator
- Cuthbert, Tony
- (19??-2011) Animator, Director, Producer
D |
- Daniels, Jack
- (19??-) Animator, Layout Artist
- Davies, Mike
- (1963-2013) Producer: Animator, Director
- Davies, Roland
- (1946-53) Designer, Director, Producer
- Duffy, Jim
- (1937-2012) Animator, Filmmaker
- Dunning, George
- (1920-79) Animator, Director, Producer
- Dyer, Anson
- (1876-1962) Animator, Director, Producer
E |
- Emes, Ian
- (1949-) Animator, Filmmaker
- Elbourne, Sheldon
- (19??-) Rostrum Camera, Optical FX
- Elvin, Anne
- (19??-2014) Artworker, Animation Assistant, Supervisor
- Elvin, David
- (19??-) Backgrounds, Layout, Director
- Elwis, Henry J
- (????) Producer
- Evans, Chris
- (19??-) Animator, Director
- Evans, D
- (19??-) Paint & Trace, Inbetweener
- Evans, Roy
- (19??-) Animator, Director
F |
- Ford, W D
- (1937-8) Animator
- Foster, Alan
- (19??-) Rostrum Camera
- French, Pamela
- (1921-2001) Animator
- Friel, Dick
- (1894?-??) US Animator
- Fryer, Joanna
- see Harrison, Joanna
- Furniss, Harry
- (1854-1925) Animator
G |
- Godfrey, Bob
- (1921-2013) Animator, Director, Producer
- Goldner, Jeff
- (19??-) Animator, Director
- Goodman, Albert
- (1921-2013) Producer
- Griffiths, Sidney
- (1901–1967) Animator, Director, Camera
- Grillo, Oscar
- (1943–) Animator, Designer, Director, Producer
- Gross, Anthony
- (1905–1984) Animator, Director
- Gurr, John
- (19??-??) Rostrum Camera
- Guy, Tony
- (1929-2014) Animator, Director
H |
- Haines, Tony
- (19??-) Rostrum Camera
- Hanna, Nancy
- (19??-) Designer, Animator, Director
- Hardy, Ken
- (19??-) Animator, Director
- Hayes, Derek
- (19??-) Animator, Director
- Hayward, Stan
- (1930-) Story
- Heath Robinson, William
- see Robinson, W Heath
- Hicks, Victor
- (1893-1946) Designer, Animator
- Hopkins, Albert
- (1905-1981) Producer
- Hopper, Bill
- (1913-83) Animator
- Horn, Dick
- (1929-2010) Animator, Director
- Horn, Elizabeth
- (19??-) Animator
- Houston, Kathleen "Spud"
- (19??-) Animator
- Humberstone, Arthur
- (1912-1999) Animator
- Hunt, Dennis
- (19??-) Animator
I |
- Ingham, Dave
- (19??-) Trace & Paint, Production Supervisor, Writer
J |
- Jackson, Diane
- (1941-92) Animator, Storyboard, Director
- Jackson, George
- (1921-86) Animator
- Jackson, Graeme
- (19??-) Animator, Director
- Jackson, Roy
- (19??-) Animator
- Jankel. Annabel
- (19??-) Animator, Director
- Jeakins. Adrian
- (19??-) Cameraman
- Jenkins, Charlie
- (19??-) Animator, Director
- Jones, Stuart Wynn
- (19??-) Animator, Director
K |
- Kinsella, E P
- (1875-1936) Animator, Director, Producer
- Kirley, Len
- (??-??) Animator, Director
- Knight, Guy
- (19??-) Rostrum Camera
- Koch, Carl
- (1892–1963) Animator
L |
- Le Cain, Errol
- (1941-89) Animator, Designer, Director
- Lett, Ian
- (19??-) Rostrum Camera
- Linnecar, Vera
- (19??-) Animator, Director, Producer
- Livesey, Malcolm
- (19??-) Rostrum Camera
- LLoyd-Jones, Elphin
- (19??-) Designer, Storyboard, Director, Producer
- Lodge, Mike
- (19??-) Animator, Director
- Lodge, Reg
- (19??-) Animator, Director
- Lye, Len
- (1901-1980) Filmmaker
M |
- Mack, Harold F
- (1918-75) Animator, Director, Producer
- Mainwood, Roger
- (1953-2018) Animator, Director
- Manton, Maria
- (1965-2020) Animator, Director, Producer
- Martin, Geoffrey
- (19??-) Layout Artist, Designer, Director
- Matheson, Alastair Ian
- (1899-1968) Animator
- McCready, Harold
- (1905-89) Animation
- McFall, Beth
- (19??-) Animator, Designer, Director
- McFall, David
- (19??) Trace & Paint, Clean-up, Layout, Animator
- Melbourne-Cooper, Arthur
- see Cooper, Arthur Melbourne
- Mikkelson, D
- (1949-) Animator
- Millett, Chris
- (1905-89) Assistant Animator, Storyboard, Scriptwriter
- Mills, Ernest H
- (1874-1942) Animator
- Modiano, Ramon
- (1949-) Animator, Designer, Director
- Moo-Young, Ian
- (19??) Animator, Director, Producer
- Moran, Kevin
- (1889?-1959?) Animation
- Moreno, George
- (1915-??) Animator, Producer
- Mornay, Charles de
- see under D
- Moysey, Frank
- (19??-) Animator
- Murakami, "Jimmy" Teruaki
- (1933–2014) Animator, Director, Producer
- Murphy, Kathleen "Spud"
- (19??-??) Animator
- Myller, Jorgen
- (1910-95) Animator
N |
- Nettlefold, Archibald
- (1870-1944) Producer
- Neubauer, Vera
- (1948-) Filmmaker
- Neville, Rex
- (19??-) Rostrum Camera, Optical FX
- Nikola, Louis
- (1878-1936) Deviser
- Noble, George
- (18??-19??) Rostrum Camera
- Noble, Joe
- (1894-1984) Animator, Director, Producer
- Norman, José
- (1906-90) Arranger, Composer
- Nunn, Janet
- (19??-) Animator
- Nye, Richard
- (1950-) Animation & SFX Director, Background and Storyboard Artist
O |
- O'Dell, Annie
- (19??-) Assistant Animator, Animator
- O'Hanlon, Brian
- (19??-) Animator, Director
- Ollive, Richard
- (19??-) Animator, Director, Producer
- Orrin, Graham
- (19??-) Rostrum Camera
- Orton, Les
- (19??-) Animator, Director
- Orwin, Brenda
- (19??-) Composer, Singer
P |
- Pearsall, Stan
- (19??-??) Animator
- Phillips, Derek
- (19??-) Director, Producer
- Pithers, Charlie
- (1929-) Rostrum Camera, Producer
- Pocock, Mike
- (1937-8) Animator, Layouts
- Potterton, Gerry
- (1931-) Animator
- Poy
- see Fearon, Percy
- Price, Laurie
- (1902-1982) Animator, Director
- Privett, Bob
- (19??-84) Animator, Director
Q |
- Quay, Stephen and Timothy
- (1947-) Filmmakers
- Queenman, Bernard
- (19??-) Director, Producer
- Quinn, Joanna
- (1962-) Animator, Director
- Quinn, John
- (19??-) Animator
R |
- Radage, Edric
- (1923-) Animator, Director
- Ralph, Graham
- (19??-) Animator, Storyboard, Director
- Ranky, George
- (19??-) Arranger, Composer
- Reed, Henry
- (19??-84) Arranger, Composer
- Reed, John
- (1908–1992) Animation Director
- Reiniger, Lotte
- (1899–1981) Animator, Director
- Reyn, Jenny
- (1913–1996) Animator
- Rich, Denis
- (1930–2007) Animator, Storyboard, Director
- Rickler, Hylda
- (1928–??) Animator
S |
- Sewell, Bill
- (19??-77) Animator, Director, Producer
- Shaw, Archie J
- (1904-71) Animator
- Shepherd, Horace
- (1892-1960) Producer, Musician
- Shepherd, J A
- (1866-1946) Illustrator
- Smith, Frank Percy
- (1880-1945) Animator
- Spargo, Nicholas
- (1921?-97) Animator, Director, Producer
- Speed, Lancelot
- (1860–1931) Animator, Director, Producer
- Speirs, Jock
- (1860–1931) Diagram & Effects Animator
- Spiro, Hylda
- see Rickler, Hylda
- Stevens, Beryl
- (19??-) Animator, Director, Producer
- Stevens, Brian
- (1933-2016) Designer, Animator, Producer
- Stobbart, Charles
- (??-??) Rostrum Camera
- Stokes, Jack
- (1920-2013) Animator, Director, Producer
- Stone, Paul
- (19??-) Animator, Director
- Strausfeld, Peter
- (1910-80) Animator, Director
- Stringer, G Henry
- (19??-??) Animator, Director
- Stuart, Mike
- (19??-2013) Animator, Storyboard, Director
- Studdy, George E
- (1878-1948) Cartoonist, Designer, Story
- Szmichowska, Marie
- (19??-) Animator
T |
- Thompson, Fred
- (1918-??) Animator, Director, Producer
- Tobin, Pat
- (1891?-1937) Cameraman
- Traylor, William
- (19??-??) Rostrum Camera
- Tupy, Peter
- (1946-2005) Animator, Rostrum Camera, Filmmaker, Producer.
- Turk, Roy
- (19??-) Rostrum Camera
- Turpin, Digby
- (19??-) Designer, Animator, Director
U |
- Unwin, Dave
- (19??-) Animator, Storyboard, Director
V |
- Vausseur, Jacques
- (1919-) Animator, Director
- Venables, Bernard
- (1907-2001) Cartoonist, Animator
- Vester, Paul
- (1941-) Animator, Director, Producer
- Vigar, Percy
- (1903-83) Animation
- Villeneuve, Richard
- (19??-) Animator
- Vince, Phyllis
- (19??-) Trace & Paint
- Vincent, Sarah
- (19??-) Assistant Animator, Animator
W |
- Wain, Louis
- (1860-1939) Artist
- Ward, William A
- (1889-??) Animator, Director, Producer
- Watford, Roy
- (19??-) Rostrum Camera
- Whitaker, Harold
- (1920-2013) Animator
- Whitby, Cynthia
- (1913-96) Animator, Director
- White, Brian
- (1902-1984) Animator, Director
- White, Lance
- see Wright, Laurence
- White, Tony
- (19??-) Animator, Director
- Whitehouse, Tony
- (19??-??) Animator, Director
- Wiggins, Helen
- (1901-1978) Editor, Producer
- Williams, John
- (19??-) Rostrum Camera
- Williams, Richard
- (1933-) Designer, Animator, Director, Producer
- Wilson, John
- (1919-2013) Animator, Designer, Director, Producer
- Wodynski, Richard
- (19??-??) Rostrum Camera
- Wolff, Richard
- (19??-) Rostrum Camera
- Woodward, Ken
- (1928-2008) Designer, Director
- Wright, Gail
- (19??–) Trace & Paint, Assistant Animator, Animator
- Wright, Laurence
- (??-??) Animator, Director, Producer
- Wright, Matvyn
- (1910-1983) Background Artist
- Wright, Percy
- (19??-??) Rostrum Camera
- Wright, Ralph
- (1908–1983) Story Supervisor
- Wyatt, Ron
- (1933-2010) Storyboard, Director, Producer
- Wylam, Eric
- (1919-1997) Animator, Director
X |
- Xypnitos, Nick
- (19??-) Animator
Y |
- York, M
- (??-??) Animation
- Young, Sue
- (19??-) Animator, Director
Z |
- Zeisel, Marianne
- (19??-??) Assistant?